Twitter/Reddit Marketing

Referral Program

If your someone who happens to be in telegram groups daily and looking to make some great money promoting my marketing services to project owners in the crypto space……I definitely have the perfect referral opportunity for you to participate in.

How you get paid on Twitter and Reddit service?

Twitter Service Pricing

Reddit Marketing Prices

50 post per day – $125
100 post per day – $175
200 post per day – $220
minimum 3 day commitment

Anyone that you refer to me and buys service, I will pay you equal to the customers first payment. You would get 100 percent.

All I would need is a screenshot showing that you referred them over to me. As soon as the project team pays me.. you will get paid immediately.

For example.. you get a project  wanting 1000 tweets per day service … you will get paid $150 as soon as customer sends me over the funds to start their marketing.

enter your email below to get the current list of properties

Twitter/Reddit Referral Program

  • Max. file size: 8 MB.
    This is proof that your referred project to us. We will pay you immediately as soon as the project pays us!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.